Sunday, 13 January 2008

An hour of blackout.

"Global warming, protect the earth..." how many times have we all heard about issues like this and yet it just passes by like any other current events on news without taking a moment of thought? Many even think they are just one person too little to change anything. Well, here is your chance to make yourself feel and look a little better.

Let's not talk about how much damage we had, and have done to the earth we live on, but there are too few that actually realizes the scale of this damage.

March 28, 2008. 8:00pm - 9:00pm

Stop being indifferent, and BE DIFFERENT.

if you are curious on how fast the ice caps are melting and how hunting is no longer the key reason to polar bear extinction but global warming, go search the video: An Inconvenient Truth (by Al Gore). You will be amazed.

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